Saturday, June 18, 2011


There is a time change between here and NYC...
Did you know?
Anyway... the difference is even greater for my mom...
Well I woke up this morning, went to check the time on my phone...
2:30 p.m?!
No joke!
I set into over dramatic mode...
"Moooom!! Get up! We will have no time to do ANYTHING!"
Of course I was wrong...
We went to Buckingham Palace...
(It was SO majestic it almost brought me to tears. Almost...)

(This took forever to get... I am so dumb...and I kept hearing "Go on then! Try it again!")
Played in a Park... (kinda)
("Take a picture of me skipping! AHHHH, never mind the wind is too strong!")
Bought alot of chocolate...
Then came home...
That minor sleep in will not be happening again...
Anyway, more to come on this lovely place called England!
(Which I have LOVED so far.)

With Love,


  1. this is weird but wonderful. try a mint aero. mmmm

  2. Haha why is this weird? I have tried mint, plain chocolate is my fav!
