Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Kumar the Camel

It must seem like we do a lot of playing here in India
At least, that's what I post about a lot.
A board member from HELP International is here for a few weeks and we want to show her a good time
So, we've been doing a lot more nightly outings here lately.
To be honest though...our daily activities like meetings and writing manuels doesn't make for good picture taking anyway....
Next week we are going on another village visit so stay tuned for that.

Last night we made the journey to Dhola-ri-Dhani
An "ethnic Rajasthani village resort"
It was kind of like a mini ethnic amusement park with dinner and shows but no rides.
Be warned! There are some VERY awkward pictures of me on this post.
This is where they fed us dinner.
You sit on the mats and eat off the little table in front of you.
The waiters LOVED to keep putting stuff on our plates
Even when we said we were full...they would stick things IN OUR MOUTHS anyway

We also watched a very high class magic show

and a fun little dance show as well

Oddly enough...that woman dancer you are seeing is NOT in fact, a woman!
Apparently, it's a Rajasthani tradition for the females to be played by men.

Outside they had a fun little moat
We took a turn on this boat after they got off

Lindsey, Seth, and Mindy

We visited the "Zoo Park"
With lots of cool broken plastic animals and dinosours

We even rode a giraff 

and met a neanderthal in a "prehistoric cave"

See! I told you this was awkward...

The highlight of the night would definitely be riding Kumar the camel
For future reference....camels are in NO WAY easy to ride
They move from side to side so much it feels like you're falling off!

And ANOTHER awkward picture....I took SUPER happy to be on that camel

The grand finale of the night was the play.
It was in Telgu, but from what I understand there was a bad man trying to keep a girl from being with her true love.
In true Indian fashion, the main character couldn't make it through the entire play without breaking into song.

Keep in mind that girl is actually a guy.

With love,

P.S. I'm headed to Goa for the's a beach state on the west side of the country. See you in a few days!

1 comment:

  1. Remind me to tell you about camels when you get back to the states! Have fun in Goa!
