Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Time for school

Congratulations to Elora and Tony!
Yes I did set them up
Elora better get their story up on here soon
Because it's pretty cute :)

Well I'm not engaged...
but I am still in India so I'll have to keep telling you all about that.
Yesterday a few of us traveled out to Shankardpally for the MV foundation
We met with village leaders, volunteers, and teachers
All dedicated to getting children in school

We really were in the middle of nowhere...

This is the outside of the school

The boys 

Teaching me how to play cricket

One of the boys told me I played better than anyone else in the game...quite the compliment for someone who has never played cricket before!

She was a great pitcher

I'd apologize for the way I look because: 
a) I haven't worn makeup since I got here
b) I brought like 3 pants and 5 shirts- all of which are getting threadbare already
c) It's like 100 degrees and the humidity is climbing

In the end...I don't really care
There are much bigger problems out there 
and nobody cares about the way I look- so there is NO need to be self conscious 

But now at least you know why I'm always wearing the same thing looking really hot and gross...

Us talking to the group

They really gave us great information about the kids and how they motive them to go to school

One of the teachers at the school

Playing more games

We found this at the school...the church really IS everywhere!

On the drive back

I learned a lot about the educational system in India 
They have a hard time getting kids to school because of child labor, indentured servitude, poverty, child marriages and so much more
It was interesting to hear them turn the tables on us and ask how America is on education
After explaining the system I realized that we aren't perfect by any means...
but compared to this
we are truly blessed to live in a place where education is a right and a privilege

I hope this manuel we are writing about MV Foundation's system on getting kids into schools and keeping them there will help other organizations in even more countries get kids in school and give them the opportunity to change their lives for the better

With love,


  1. Ale you look great even with no makeup and the same clothes! Those kids look like so much fun

  2. :) thanks Josh! I'm not so sure about that...but these kids really are fun!

  3. Ale! You look so great :). and this trip looks amazing, still wish i was there with you! love you. oh and your photography skills are great, i love your pictures.

  4. Oh jess thanks! I still wish you were here too! Thanks...I still need you here though to help me get the courage to talk to people :) Love you too!
