Friday, July 8, 2011

I've Got This?

Sorry its been awhile... I just barely got home.
So I have been busy catching up with people...
And sleeping ALOT.
Anyway... since I am home now I have time to work out again.
And I am super mean and ridiculous but I am making my pregnant cousin work me out.
BUT I have a reason.
After she had her first baby she got her body into shape SO fast.
Us at Christmas: Chris, Em, me and Jess (THE cousin)
So due to the un-human amounts of chocolate I consumed I need her.
And, man did I look sad when we started workin' it.
She is on the elliptical going like 500 mph 8 months along...
And I am on the treadmill huffing and puffing like a freakin dragon...
She's next to me yelling "Come on you got this!"
After doing a million sets of running, steps, and pushups... (ok it wasn't a million)
I did abs...
She is by me trying to encourage me...
And I keep saying, "I'll be right back I need water..."
(I did that like 7 times.)
Everyone was looking at me like...
"Seriously girl? Your cousin (I'm sure they knew she was my cousin)
is pregnant and she is kicking your butt..."
But thats Jess... always lookin' good and in shape...
I wonder how long it will take me to get like that...

With Love,