Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Ugly Truth

So, here I am at Wimbledon.

I wish I could tell you that I talk to Roger Federer regularly...
And that I get discounts at the souvenir shop...
And that watching tennis on the courts is what I do everyday...
But I don't.
Truth is...
I spend most of my time getting food...
Ok, ok AND eating it... because I DO get free strawberries and creme. Yes!
(And yes I have developed a muffin top... but have you had British chocolate?)
I also spend alot of time running papers places, making copies...
AND answering the walkie talkie.
(Oh yeah, the walkie talkie... we don't need cell phones!
Well... except for when we go into town... so never mind...)
So although my runner jobs aren't glamorous I have met great people and have had fun.
Some quite lovely people actually... and its uber fabulous that all the runners get along.
But the best part... is Harry Potter.
No, he isn't here, I left him in NYC singing and dancing on Broadway.
What I DO mean is we all love it.
So we have all been sorted into houses... and we have our own little cup going on...
We get points for... well pretty much anything really...
Some of my FAVORITE points given (or taken) have been:

Slytherin 20 for being "Like the Michelin Man."
Gryffindor 40 for good NYC accents
Hufflepuff... well the funniest thing for them is getting a player suspended...
Ravenclaw... So the ugly truth came out...
I got 4000 points for being SUPER ugly in 8th grade...

Who knew that pasty girl in 8th grade...
(Who actually was a little, well, too obsessed with Harry Potter.)
would help her Hogwarts house win?

With Love,

Oh WAIT I bet you want to see the picture...
Guess you better stay a while huh?


  1. please show the picture. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Haha why?! You have it on your phone...

  3. I seriously doubt that you have developed a muffin top... but you are doing some pretty freaking awesome things! YOU ARE SO COOL!

  4. I was best friends with that 8th grader :)

  5. Haha thanks Meryl... and that 8th grader was a nut case... and you have no idea how many people wish they knew her Em haha
